Latest news and stories about whale and dolphin conservation

WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative

Eastern Pacific Ocean - A hub for whale superhighways requires urgent protection

A new report from WWF and partners, including Oregon State University, the University of California Santa Cruz, the University of Southampton, and Universidad de Valparaiso, identifies actions for governments, industry and individuals to safeguard whale migratory routes, along the Eastern Pacific Ocean by 2030. Climate change, ship traffic, underwater noise and fishing activity impact whales and their survival at multiple points.

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Conservation, Underwater noise, Shipping, Climate change, Whales WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative Conservation, Underwater noise, Shipping, Climate change, Whales WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative

World-First Map Exposes Growing Dangers Along Whale Superhighways

World-First Map Exposes Growing Dangers Along Whale Superhighways. A new global report by WWF and the marine mammal science community calls for urgent action to safeguard whales amid mounting threats along their migratory routes.

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Story WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative Story WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative

When world’s collide

Whales and ships have long shared the seas, but with global shipping traffic on the increase – along with the speed and size of the largest vessels – their worlds are colliding with devastating consequences. 

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