Latest news and stories about whale and dolphin conservation
What a whale needs
Using cutting-edge technology, researchers are uncovering profound links among ocean health, climate change, and the denizens of the deep.
Remembering Dr. Roger Payne: A champion of whale conservation
In the realm of wildlife conservation, there are few figures as revered and impactful as Dr. Roger Payne, a distinguished biologist whose unwavering dedication to the science of whale communication and their conservation has left an indelible mark on the world. On June 10, 2023, Roger passed away at his home in Vermont at the age of 88.
Diminishing sea ice threatens delicate Antarctic ecosystem and raises alarms
WWF’s Chris Johnson, and a group of whale ecologists, including Dr. Ari Friedlaender from the University of California Santa Cruz, recently made the journey to Antarctica to conduct vital research.
Solving the mystery of the declining South African southern right whale population by discovering their blue corridors
Research Manager Dr Els Vermeulen and her team are focused on solving a scientific mystery. Since 2009, very few southern right whales have been seen along the South African coastline.
Fishing for the future
Umair Shahid leads WWF’s tuna fisheries work in the Indian Ocean to protect marine species, including whales and dolphins, from a range of threats including bycatch. Learn more about his work with local fishers.