Latest news and stories about whale and dolphin conservation
Using acoustic deterrents to safeguard dolphins from bycatch in Peru
Since 2018, WWF Peru has conducted experimental trials with dolphin pingers to evaluate the reduction of dolphin bycatch in artisanal fishery gillnets.
Mitigating bycatch: Policy innovation to fight growing fisheries bycatch in the Indian Ocean
WWF is working with partners to respond to the greatest threat to whales, dolphins and porpoises worldwide. Here we highlight collaborative efforts to implement effective policies in the Indian Ocean.
Using acoustic sonar technology to locate and tackle ghost gear
WWF France is helping tackle ghost gear in the Mediterranean Sea. Their main goal is to help reduce the amount of lost gear in French Mediterranean waters by using an innovative and efficient way to locate ghost gear: acoustic sonar technology.
Helping support volunteers dedicated to rescuing entangled whales in Mexico
In Mexico, the Whale Disentanglement Network, known as RABEN (Red de Asistencia a Ballenas Enmalladas) has grown into an internationally recognized network, applauded for its many successful rescues.