Latest news and stories about whale and dolphin conservation
WWF launches an online report mapping Arctic whale migrations amid increasing threats to their migration routes, known as blue corridors
A new report from the WWF Global Arctic Programme highlights the urgency of taking concrete action to safeguard Arctic whales on their migrations, as they are faced with new and growing pressure from climate change and increased shipping activity.
What a whale needs
Using cutting-edge technology, researchers are uncovering profound links among ocean health, climate change, and the denizens of the deep.
Convention on Migratory Species meeting adopts stronger protection measures, including ecological connectivity
The 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP14) of the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals ended with the adoption of a set of stronger measures for the conservation of migratory species.
For the first time, researchers track the full migration cycle of an Australian southern right whale
With the help of satellite tags, researchers from the University of Western Australia and Macquarie University, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau, were able to follow the complete migration cycle of an Australian southern right whale for the very first time.
Eastern Pacific Ocean - A hub for whale superhighways requires urgent protection
A new report from WWF and partners, including Oregon State University, the University of California Santa Cruz, the University of Southampton, and Universidad de Valparaiso, identifies actions for governments, industry and individuals to safeguard whale migratory routes, along the Eastern Pacific Ocean by 2030. Climate change, ship traffic, underwater noise and fishing activity impact whales and their survival at multiple points.
Whales on the move - mapping threats and solutions for our ocean giants
The growing dangers whales face worldwide along these epic journeys are signs of an unhealthy ocean, and reveal how the ocean connects us all.
World-First Map Exposes Growing Dangers Along Whale Superhighways
World-First Map Exposes Growing Dangers Along Whale Superhighways. A new global report by WWF and the marine mammal science community calls for urgent action to safeguard whales amid mounting threats along their migratory routes.